Museum 360° Virtual Tour

Jay Salois headshot

Jay Salois

Founder | Owner

Wenham Museum Virtual Tour

Being able to experience a museum from anywhere in the world can be a dream for many who may not have the resources to travel. A museum virtual tour offers deeper levels of engagement than in other industries.

Why a museum should have a virtual tour

While nothing will ever take the place of experiencing a museum in person, a virtual tour offers the public the opportunity to participate from anywhere in the world. This can help with education programs in classrooms, promoting for future events, attracting future exhibits, and archiving exhibits.

Interactive museum experiences

For deeper engagement, a virtual tour can become interactive through the use of hotspots. They're clickable buttons that open windows within the tour, featuring photos, videos, pdfs, text and even 3D objects!

Creating accessibility

Just as your museum should be physically accessible to the public, it should be digitally accessible too. People with limited mobility, economically disadvantaged, or have phobias, all should feel like they belong to the community.

Archiving exhibits for future generations

We often look back on old photographs and wish we could experience what it felt like at that moment. To ensure lasting accessibility, a virtual tour acts like an archive even when an exhibit ends. It can exist on the internet, or in a database, giving future generations the chance to experience it. VR will be a common tool to experience much of the world in the next decade, so archiving is a future-proof mechanism for ongoing experiences.

Why VRtical Media

We've been building virtual tours and virtual experiences since 2018. The value that it's created in people's lives and the boost to businesses marketing efforts is measurable through usage, sales, and wellbeing. We're constantly improving our platform, adding new technologies as they see fit to this landscape.

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