Live Guided 360° Virtual Tours

Jay Salois headshot

Jay Salois

Founder | Owner

Willowdale Estate Virtual Tour

With the number of virtual tours that were offered throughout 2020 & 2021, it turned out to be a great way to introduce a guided video experience via phone or tablet. While that worked in a pinch when it was needed most, we now have a more immersive way to guide people through a space.

What is a Live Guided Tour?

With Live Guided Tours, the experience is like being on a video conference call, but within a virtual tour that can be shared between the presenter and the viewer. The presenter has the ability to control the experience, allow the viewer to take control, present only, limit who can be on the call or even have many people attend!

The uses are many:

  • Wedding or Event Venue walkthroughs
  • Museums with education programming
  • Construction site visits
  • Co-working space marketing to new members

Wedding Venue Search Example

Say your plan is to get married 1,000 miles away from where you live, and your Top 5 venues are picked out. Now you have to plan the visits, contact the venue, go back and forth on date and time, set travel routes, etc.

As a wedding venue, the ability to walk a potential client through the venue ahead of time will solve potential problems and create benefits:

  • The tour is tailored exclusively to what the client is looking for
  • Cut down on time spent at the venue if they decide to do a physical walkthrough
  • Save both you and the clients time if they don't feel the venue is a fit
  • Questions can be answered on the spot as the walkthrough is happening
  • Potentially reducing carbon footprint by cutting the travel out of the equation
  • Turns your venue into a premium brand using the latest technology

Easy to use

Live Guided Tour Login

Using the feature is very simple: Right click, enter a password chosen by you, and the feature is activated! Your client simply goes to the virtual tour and clicks on the button to start the Live Guided Tour and off you go!

You can also hand over control to the client, allowing them to walk through on their own! These calls can also be with/without video & audio, giving you the option to present only. Live Guided Tours are a great way to enhance brand prominence, empower and build trust, and increase sales.

Why VRtical Media

We've been building virtual tours and virtual experiences since 2018. The value that it's created in people's lives and the boost to businesses marketing efforts is measurable through usage, sales, and wellbeing. We're constantly improving our platform, adding new technologies as they see fit to this landscape.

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