Creating Accessibility with a 360° Virtual Tour

Jay Salois headshot

Jay Salois

Founder | Owner

Wheelchair accessible binoculars looking out into Marblehead Harbor

Nothing beats being able to visit your most desired destinations around the world. Whether it be overlooking the vast ocean from a cliffside, perusing a world-renowned museum, or stepping into your dream wedding venue…they all make you feel wonderful. While all those locations are amazing to experience in person, they all have one thing in common: they’re physically not accessible to everyone.

Most businesses are inaccessible at some level.

If you are a business that has successful foot traffic, or think it solely depends on having foot traffic, you fall under this category of inaccessibility as well. A 360° virtual tour of your space is a way to ensure more people feel like they belong to the community and develops digital foot traffic to enhance your marketing efforts and sales goals.

To think this doesn’t apply to your business is just willful ignorance at this point. Plain and simple.

Tools that VRtical Media implement

Accessibility window open in front of Cliffs of Moher with a Tritanopia color-blind filter active

We have the tools to bring people from all over the world to your location. To explore, learn, purchase, enjoy, and plan. If an individual has limited mobility (in a wheelchair, for example) and your business does not have ADA compliance, this presents a problem to them and an opportunity for you to solve that with a virtual tour. If your business has a ticketed model, like a museum, this can be cost prohibitive to those from economically disadvantaged areas, so a lower priced virtual experience can solve that problem.

If an end user has color-blindness, our solution can help them enjoy the online experience through our filters. With the simple flip of a switch, people with Deuteranopia, Protanopia and Tritanopia color blindness can see imagery in truer colors. Keyboard functions can be built into our online experience for people with low blindness as well.

Accessibility color-blindness filter example

Virtual experiences are also creating more equity and visibility in the digital space for black and brown artists, allowing people from anywhere in the world to see and purchase their work at any time.

Lynn Hip Hop Exhibit at Lynn Museum

These are just a few examples of the power of expanding your presence in the worldwide community, increasing sales, and creating a solution so more people feel like they belong.

Why VRtical Media

We've been building virtual tours and virtual experiences since 2018. The value that it's created in people's lives and the boost to businesses marketing efforts is measurable through usage, sales, and wellbeing. We're constantly improving our platform, adding new technologies as they see fit to this landscape.

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